You want to come to CY Cergy Paris University on a mobility programme

Application procedure

Erasmus+ and agreements

You have chosen to do part of your studies at CY Cergy Paris Université as part of an exchange programme (Erasmus+ and conventions).

This application form will be sent to you by email after we have received your nomination sent by your home university.

Application form

Once you have been officially nominated by your home university, you must complete the 2023-2024 application form.

This application will be sent to you by email upon receipt of your official nomination from your home university.

Application dates

Applications may only be submitted by email and by post between :

  • 1 April and 30 April 2023 for students arriving for the first semester or the academic year 2023-2024


  • 1 October and 31 October 2023 for students arriving for the second semester
List of IR coordinators and teachers

The coordinators and referents can help you with any questions related to your exchange mobility at CY Cergy Paris Université (such as the list of courses you can take, your timetable, ECTS credits, start and end date of courses, etc.).
It is also important to contact them in order to establish your provisional study contract (page 2 of the application file).

Please find on the link below the list of coordinators and referents of the academic departments:

Table of IR 2022 coordinators and referents

For the UFR of Law and Sciences Po of Saint-Germain-en-Laye:

For more information (list of courses, administrative and pedagogical procedures...) :

  • UFR Droit:
  • Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye:
Application form for exchange mobility

If your application has been completed, dated and signed, please send us the scanned version with the requested documents by email:

Information for students from outside Europe

If you are a student outside Europe, please note the following information:

  • Once your application has been accepted, you will receive a letter of invitation from CY Cergy Paris Université.

This document will be necessary for you to obtain a student visa

  • Membership of the social security system with the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM) is compulsory: (page available in several languages)
  • BEFORE your arrival in Cergy, please bring your birth certificate in the original language and translated into French by a sworn translator.
The services offered

Would you like to receive support for your administrative procedures?
Do you want information on administrative procedures? Check this link: Online Welcome Desk
You want to take FLE courses? Check this link:

Contact us

If you are a candidate for mobility (Erasmus+ and conventions):

> If you have any questions about the administrative procedures and if you want to send us your "application file" and supporting documents, you can contact us at this address:

Welcome Days 2023

The "Welcome Day" for international students will take place on 8 September 2023. After a meeting to present the services of CY Cergy Paris Université, the students will get to know each other through several fun activities (laser shooting, paddle, kayaking...) at the Ile de Loisirs de Cergy. 

Discovery Days 2023

The week of discovery of French heritage and culture will take place from 4 to 8 September. Program : boat cruise on the Seine, a culinary workshop on French specialities, an excursion to the house of the painter C.Monet in Giverny... Registrations are now open.


International housing

Click on this link for more information