Published on January 27, 2022 Updated on January 5, 2025

Master Mathematics

LMD academic program
Master Mathematics
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


The Master in Mathematics offers a high-level two-year training in pure or applied mathematics for careers in research and teaching. Read more

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The Master in Mathematics is based on a strong mathematical program with the aim of training high-level specialists in fundamental and applied mathematics. It offers a wide range of job prospects in academic or industrial research, as well as in education.

The master addresses a broad variety of topics, all of which are fascinating, and it also offers a great scientific overview to its students. It relies on a recognized research team, the AGM Research Center in Mathematics (UMR CNRS 8088), which develops many collaborations with academic and industrial labs.

The Master in Mathematics benefits from a program of excellence scholarships, which provides a 7 300 euros annual support to the selected second-year applicants.


The Master in Mathematics offers a high-level two-year training in pure or applied mathematics for careers in research and teaching.


The lectures are mainly given in the Saint-Martin campus.

Person in charge of the academic program

Heads of the master
Christophe Prange (Master 1)

Philippe Gravejat (Master 2)

Phanie Joucla (Master 1)

Nathalie Alinc Delanoy (Master 2)


Research center

The master relies on the AGM Research Center in Mathematics (UMR CNRS 8088).


The master is proposed by CY Tech Science and Technologies.



Prerequisites training

The first year is open to candidates holding a bachelor's degree in mathematics or applied mathematics. Getting this diploma with honours will be fully appreciate.

The second year is open to candidates holding the first year of a master's degree in mathematics or applied mathematics.

Conditions of applications

Application to the first year of the master

The first year of the Master in Mathematics will supervise 10 students during the 2025-2026 academic year. The application has to be made via the platform Études en France. The application forms consist of:

  • the diploma and mark transcripts from the bachelor's degree (in mathematics or applied mathematics),
  • the diplomas and mark transcripts for the last four years,
  • a motivation letter, which describes in particular the professional project.

Deadline for the application: December 15th, 2024.
Application to the second year of the master

The second year of the Master in Mathematics will supervise 10 students during the 2025-2026 academic year. The application has to be made via the platform Études en France. The application forms consist of:

  • the diploma and mark transcripts from the first year of the master's degree (in mathematics or applied mathematics),
  • the diplomas and mark transcripts for the last four years,
  • a motivation letter, which describes in particular the professional project.

Deadline for the application: December 15th, 2024.


The first year program aims at discovering and mastering mathematical objects and tools at the heart of the discipline. The second year is a year of specialization towards research.
Master 1 Program
Block 1
Algebra (4 ECTS)

Partial Differential Equations (4 ECTS)

Advanced Optimization (4 ECTS)

Probability (4 ECTS)

Stochastic Processes 1 (4 ECTS)

Python Programming (3 ECTS)

Reading Group 1 (1 ECTS)

Project (6 ECTS)
Block 2
Advanced Algebra (3 ECTS)

Advanced Linear Algebra (3 ECTS)

Differential Geometry (3 ECTS)

Reading Group 2 (1 ECTS)

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (3 ECTS)

C++ Programming (2 ECTS)

Advanced Statistics (3 ECTS)

Block 3
Advanced Functional Analysis (4 ECTS)

Advanced Harmonic Analysis (4 ECTS)

Dynamical Systems (4 ECTS)

Master 2 Program
Inset weeks
Algebra and Geometry

Analysis and Probability

Semester 1
Distributions and Partial Differential Equations (8 ECTS)

Reading Group 3 (2 ECTS)

Stochastic Processes (8 ECTS)

Dynamical Systems (8 ECTS)

Semester 2
Specialization Lecture: Analysis (6 ECTS)

Doctoral School Lecture (6 ECTS)

Specialization Lecture: Geometry and Dynamical Systems (6 ECTS)

Master Thesis or Work Experience (12 ECTS)


Master 1 Mathematics

Lectures and tutorials are given by the faculty of the deparment of mathematics:
- Smail Alili
- Nicolas Arancibia
- Christian Daveau
- Florian Dussap
- Louis Garrigue
- Philippe Gravejat
- Louis Ioos
- Céline Leforestier
- Élisabeth Logak
- Jules Martel
- Christophe Prange
- Michela Varagnolo

Master 2 Mathematics

Lectures and tutorials are given by the faculty of the deparment of mathematics:
- Nicolas Arancibia
- Charles Collot
- Christian Daveau
- Yong Fang
- Aurélien Galateau
- Philippe Gravejat
- Louis Ioos
- Christophe Prange
- Marjolaine Puel
- Constanza Rojas-Molina
- Armen Shirikyan
- Michela Varagnolo

The first-year project lasts nine months. It is designed as an initiation to mathematical research.

The second-year thesis or work experience last six months. The goal of the thesis is to prepare for a possible PhD in pure or applied mathematics. The work experience is aimed at preparing to a subsequent professional integration.

Evaluation is performed according to the master's rules for the control of the knowledge, via written or oral examinations, and/or continuous assessments. Dissertations and work experiences are evaluated after submission of a written report and an oral defense.

What's next ?

Job opening

Business sector or job

The second year can lead to a PhD in pure or applied mathematics, before a possible career as an academic researcher. It also trains high-level specialists in applied mathematics, who can find jobs in research and development.



Registration fees respect the French national rules.