Computing Centre

The Computing Centre (CDC) is a central department attached to the Computing and Information Systems Department (DISI) of CY Cergy Paris Université.

It manages the main computing resources for the research laboratories:

  1. A computer: the Osaka server (see the dedicated section);
  2. Scientific software: classical free compilers and libraries as well as proprietary software such as Matlab, Mathematica, Gaussian, PGI and Intel compilers, etc.;
  3. A storage service, hosting user data resulting from the use of the computer;
  4. A backup system: it ensures regular backups of user and system data;
  5. Additional services for the university:
    • an SSH / NX gateway for remote connections,
    • a Gitlab server for code version management,
    • a sharing and collaborative work server: Box.

The CDC also offers a support service for the development and/or optimisation of scientific applications.

Lastly, the CDC provides training in the use of its resources, use of the Linux operating system and scientific programming.

Contact : 

Baptiste MARY

Computing Centre Website