• Adress : CY Cergy Paris Université - THEMA - 33, boulevard du Port Cergy-Pontoise Cedex France
Domaines d'expertise
Decision theory, social choice theory, experimental economics

Activities / Resume


  • Robust Social Decisions
    Danan Eric, Thibault Gajdos, Brian Hill, Jean-Marc Tallon , American economic review, 106 (9), p.2407-2425, 2016
  • Harsanyi’s Aggregation Theorem with Incomplete Preferences
    Danan Eric, Thibault Gajdos, Jean-Marc Tallon , American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7(1) , p.61-69, 2015
  • Aggregating sets of von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities
    Danan Eric, Gajdos T., Tallon J-M. , Journal of economic theory, 148 (2), p.663-688, 2013
  • Tribute to Jean-Yves Jaffray
    Danan Eric, Michèle Cohen, Alain Chateauneuf, Thibault Gajdos, Raphaël Giraud, Meglena Jeleva, Fabrice Philippe, , Theory and decision, 71 (1) , p.1-10, 2012
  • Indecisiveness aversion and preference for commitment
    Danan Eric, Ani Guerdjikova, Alexander Zimper , Theory and decision, 72 , p. 1-13, 2012
  • Randomization vs. selection : how to choose in the absence of preference ?
    Danan Eric, Management science, 56 (3), p.503-518, 2010
  • Revealed preference and indifferent selection
    Danan Eric, Mathematical social sciences, 55 , p.24-37, 2008

Documents de travail