Gregory Chaume

Gregory Chaume

Professeur des Universités (Section CNU 32);

Chargé (e) de cours

BioCIS - Biomolécules : Conception, Isolement, Synthèse

  • Adresse : BioCIS, UMR 8076, Equipe de Chimie Biologique CY Tech - Institut des Sciences et Techniques, CY Cergy Paris Université 5 Mail Gay-Lussac, Neuville sur Oise 95031 Cergy-Pontoise cedex, France
Domaines d'expertise

Chiral fluorinated compounds

Stereoselective synthesis of fluorinated amino acids, amino alcohols, pseudoprolines, …

Fluorinated peptides and peptidomimetics

Development of coupling conditions for the incorporation of fluorinated aminoacids into peptide chains;
Design and synthesis of fluorinated peptides and peptidomimetics of biological interests (nociception, antimicrobial peptides, PPIase inhibition,  …);
Design of fluorinated biomaterials and peptidomimrtics (collagen model peptides, foldamers, peptide hydrogels, …)

Physicochemical properties, conformational and structural analysis, biological activities

Evaluation of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters, hydrophobicity index measurement, measurement of the pKa values of the neighboring chemical functions, assignement of peptide amide bond geometry and ring pucker conformation, secondary structure elucidation, thermal stability of tertiary structure, protein-protein interactions, capacity to interact with membranes or to cross them, use of the fluorinated groups as 19F NMR probe, antimicrobial activity, inhibition of amyloid protein aggregation, analgesia, ...

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Chimie Générale

Chimie Organique

Activités / CV

DEUG Sciences de la Matières option "Physique-Chimie" (1997), University of Cergy-Pontoise
Licence de Chimie - B.Sc. (1998), University of Cergy-Pontoise
Maitrise de Chimie Organique (1999), University of Cergy-Pontoise
DEA de Chimie Organique - M.Sc. (2000),University of Cergy-Pontoise
Doctorat de Chimie Organique - PhD (2003), University of Cergy-Pontoise, direction : J. Ardisson & A. Pancrazi

Post-doc (2003-2004) : Nottingham University, England (Prof G. Pattenden)
ATER (2004-2005) : Cergy-Pontoise University, (Prof T. Brigaud)
CNRS Temporary Researcher (2016-2018) : Laboratory of Biomolecules, Sorbonne University
Associate Professor (2005-2023) : CY Cergy Paris University
Full Professor (since 2023) : CY Cergy Paris University

Funded project
Coordinator of ANR "Young Researchers" Program 2009-2012 "CF3-GPE"
Initiative d'Excellence Paris//Seine Post-doc Program 2017 "F-LAIR"
Initiative d'Excellence Paris//Seine Post-doc Program 2019 "FluoSPep"
EUTOPIA PhD cotutelle 2020-2024 "EXPLORE"

Prime d'Excellence Scientifique (PES) 2010-2014
Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche (PEDR) 2014-2018
Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche (PEDR) 2020-2024

Scientific production

32 publications and 22 proceedings (h-index = 16), 9 seminars (2 to foreign Universities), 10 oral communications (1 as invited speaker) and 111 posters.

Direction or co-direction

7 Post-docs, 9 PhDs, 22 M.Sc, 7 B.Sc.

Others activities

Member of executive board

‐ Deputy director for Strategic Business Partnerships » at CY Tech Engineering Graduate School (since 2023)
- In charge of the 1st year of bachelor degree at CY Cergy Paris University (2020-2023)
- Elected member of the BioCIS laboratory Board (since 2020)
- Elected member and secretary of the French Group of Peptides and Proteins Board (GFPP) (since 2017)
- Member of the “Teaching/Industry’s Improvement Committee” at the Chemistry Department (since 2016)
‐ Elected member of the Chemistry Department Council at University of Cergy-Pontoise (2016-2020)
- Elected member of the UFR Sciences et Techniques Council (2008-2012)

Peer reviewing activities

Organic Letters, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Journal of American Chemical Society (ACS), European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Wiley), Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Chemical Communications (RSC), Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Elsevier)

Teaching activities (More than 250h per year)
- In charge of the UE «Retrosynthetic Analysis» (Master degree)
- In charge of the UE «General Chemistry» (Bachelor degree)
- In charge of the UE «Safety & Security» (Bachelor degree)

Participations to scientific committees
- 13 PhD committees

- 8 University recruitment committees
- 1 HDR committee