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Elisa Peroni
Maître de Conférences Equipe de Chimie Biologique - Laboratoire BioCIS Coordinatrice Relations Internationales Dpt Chimie Directrice de la plateforme PeptLab
Chargé (e) de cours , Directeur
- Adresse : Equipe de Chimie Biologique - Laboratoire BioCIS Bur. F 245 (Bât. F, 2è étage) CY Cergy Paris Université 5 mail Gay-Lussac 95031 Neuville sur Oise
Scientific Fields of interest
Chemical biology. Peptide chemistry. Development of innovative synthetic solid-phase strategies. Microwave assisted peptide synthesis. Bioorganic chemistry of peptides and proteins. Unnatural amino acids orthogonally protected for peptide synthesis MW-technology.
Peptide based biomaterials.
In vitro Diagnostics and peptide biomarkers. Autoimmune diseases. Molecular mechanisms of immune-mediated autoimmune diseases. Glycoconjugates as diagnostic and prognostic tools for diseases. Biophysical studies. Peptide-protein, protein-protein interaction studies. Proteomics. Immunochemistry. Antibody characterisation. Immunoenzymatic tests on solid phase and in solution. Immunoaffinity chromatography for purification of antibodies. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET).
Activités / CV
Dr. Elisa Peroni. Born on 2.6.1973.
Maître de Conférences, hors classe
Director of the Platform PeptLab@CY of the CY Cergy Paris University
Laboratory BioCIS ,Chemical Biology Team, CY Cergy Paris University
Education and training
2002-2004 PhD in Chemistry. University of Florence, Italy.
2001 Fellowship in Drug delivery for lung cancer therapy Pharmaceutical Company Sigma–Tau & Institut für Polymere, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
2000 Fellowship in supramolecular chemistry. Center for colloid and surface science, University of Florence, Italy.
1999-2000 Fellowship in peptide dendrimers synthesis. Dept of Organic Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
1998-1999 Laurea Degree University of Florence, Italy.
Professional Experience
Since 2020 Director of the Platform PeptLab@CY of the CY Cergy Paris University
Since 2013 Coordinator of the International University Diploma (IUD) in Chemistry and Physics of CY Cergy Paris University
Since 2009 Maître de Conférences Laboratory BioCIS Chemical Biology Team, CY Cergy Paris University
2006-2009 Post-doc fellowship on the study of the role of sugars in the aetiology of multiple sclerosis. Harvard Medical School (Boston USA) & Dept. of Physics, University of Florence, Italy.
2005-2006 Post-doc fellowship o on synthesis of modified peptides as synthetic antigen in autoimmune diseases. University of Florence, Italy.
Communication of the scientific activity
Coauthor of 25 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and 19 peer-reviewed articles in books. 56 communications at International Symposia (1 oral communications and 55 posters). Moreover she presented 4 invited lectures in International Symposia and Universities.
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