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Funding projects
The research tax creditt : CIR
The research tax Crédit Impôt Recherche (CIR) redit is a tax arrangement allowing companies to reduce their tax liability, calculated on the basis of their R&D expenses incurred over the calendar year. The CIR is therefore a fiscal lever which aims to encourage companies to carry out research and development (R&D), regardless of their size and business segment. This tax arrangement is governed by Article 244 quater B of the French General Tax Code, which defines all the parameters and criteria that each company must comply with during their R&D tax credit declarations.
The tax deduction is 30% on the expenses under the collaboration agreement for basic research, applied research and experimental development.
Sponsorship is defined as “material support provided, without any direct counterpart from the beneficiary, to a project or a person for the exercise of activities of public interest”. It is provided in the form of a donation (of cash, in-kind or expertise) to an organisation to support a public-interest project. If the beneficiary is eligible for a tax-deductible sponsorship, the donation confers a right to some tax advantages for donors (companies and individuals).
The following beneficiary organisations are eligible for a sponsorship tax reduction:
- endowment funds carrying out a public-interest activity such as educational, sports, cultural, social or humanitarian activities;
- non-profit endowment funds such as university funds, foundations and associations recognised as being in the public interest, higher education institutions, heritage foundations.
- This tax reduction for sponsorship is equal to 60% of the amount of donations made, within a limit of 0.5% of the company’s net turnover.
lthe CIREX initiative will contribute to the development of partnership-based research in association with the socio-economic sphere, and to the potential for transfer and valorisation.
The objectives targeted through this call for projects are:
- The strengthening of a network of lasting relationships with the socio-economic sphere and with companies.
- The development of innovation nationally and internationally with the partners of the Initiative.
- Contribution to the development of industrial partnerships in Europe (via EUTopia) and internationally (Asia - Europe - Africa dynamics)
- Technology transfer and valorisation, in the 3 priority sectors of CY Transfer.
Submission of a common document (company/academic laboratory) to certain funds where the funder requires the presence of a private partner (company or association) such as:
- ANR’s PRCE funding instrument
- H2020 or Horizon Europe -> pillar 2
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Jardin Tropical
33 boulevard du Port
95011 Cergy Pontoise cedex